
Tree Health Assessment

Together we will discuss the health of your trees. I will advise you on any pruning or treatments that may be necessary to improve the health or safety of your landscape. I do not sell services such as pruning or tree removal but I can recommend reputable arborists who can do the job or give you detailed instructions to do it yourself. Consultations generally last about one hour, at which time I will assess your landscaping and discuss appropriate actions to take and answer any questions you may have.  Any follow-up questions and discussions are welcome by e-mail or phone.

My fee for a single consultation and prescriptions ranges from $50-$100 dollars depending on travel time and length of visit. Generally, one hour consultations in the Waco area will cost $50.


If you are a Do-It-Yourself-er and would like some tips on gardening or some direction to get started, I will come to you and show you all the tools and supplies that will help you to be successful in your efforts. I can help you as much or as little as you need to install your own landscape.  On an hourly basis I will discuss with you the types of plants, fertilizing schedules and  tools to buy. If you need planting help I would be glad to do that as well. Coaching rate: $25/hour (2 hour minimum)

Other Services

Small tree planting projects (5 trees or fewer): $15 per tree
Small landscape installation (mulch application included): $35/hour
Mulch application: Cost of mulch + $10/hour